The spow network was created in 2002 and brings together wallonia’s seven science and technology parks: Louvain-La-Neuve Science Park, Liege Science Park, Crealys Science Park, Aeropole Science Park, Initialis Science Park, Qualitis Science Park And Novalis Science Park. Their common aim is to accommodate and support companies involved in the high-technology sector and business-university relationships. Each science park is managed jointly by an economic development agency and at least one university. In total, SPoW comprises 7 economic development agencies (Ibw, Idelux, Idea, Ideta, Igretec, Spi And Bep) And 5 Universities (Ucl, Ulb, Ulg, Unamur, Umons) who interact with each other to ensure that Wallonia’s science parks are well managed. In addition to its members, the network gives access to Wallonia’s entire innovation ecosystem.

The managers of the Walloon science parks, members of SPoW network, and the associated research intitutions signed a specific quality charter on November 2007, recognized by the International Association of Science Parks. By doing so, they committed on the respect of quantitative and qualitative measurements of the concentration of high-tech activity in their parks, the technology transfer and networking-boosting dynamics offered, and the availability of specific infrastructure for the development of high-tech activities. This quality approach gives to the Walloon science parks worldwide credibility not only through the profile of their tenants (high-tech industrial and scientific competences and skills), but also through the added value (services and facilities) that the parks offer to boost the development of innovative technology businesses.


Rue Camille Hubert 2, Gembloux, 5032


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